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Paralelná Polis 3.0 – transformation

We are pleased to announce the completion of the next chapter of Parallel Polis and a new phase of our operation.

Parallel Polis 1.0

Paralelní Polis (or as we refer to it Parallel Polis 1.0) was the idea of Václav Bend, thanks to which people increased their freedom during totalitarian Czechoslovakia. They created parallel social structures – a second culture, an exchange of information, a freer religious expression, and a parallel economic structure.

Parallel Polis 2.0

The project of the Prague Paralní Polis in Holešovice and the Paralelná Polis space in Bratislava follows this idea – and we call this version Parallel Polis 2.0. It created a parallel social structure a little more publicly – you knew it as a black building near Račianske mýto, with a sign and logo where lectures took place, people met, you could work there in a parallel economic structure, sometimes see an exhibition (from parallel culture) and so on. However, the point was never the building. It was the community and its ideas. We learned a lot during this stage. It’s time to transform into a new version, so you won’t find Paralelná Polis near Račianske mýto anymore.

Parallel Polis 3.0

Cloud community

The new Parallel Polis 3.0 reflects the current situation. We are creating a cloud community in which we try to preserve as much of the original social structures as possible, but we virtualize them. We devote even more energy to people and even less to buildings. Suddenly it matters less who is in Bratislava, Prague, Košice. This structure of the cloud community is not bounded by the walls of the building but is formed by relationships and social structures.

The Prague Paralelní Polis has virtualized itself as part of Corona Nights and broadcasts a program every day. This created a parallel media space, which is made up of purely private sources, and within Corona Nights you can listen to concerts, interviews, etc. Paralelná Polis Bratislava will join this project because, in the age of the Internet, it doesn’t matter where we broadcast from.

Since we introduced anti-coronavirus measures in Parallel Polis 2.0 (about a week before they were introduced by the state), who is located where has stopped making sense. For us, a virtual meeting with someone from Prague or Košice is the same as a meeting with someone from Bratislava. We experiment with meetings in virtual reality, online meetups, and the like.

The need for physical distancing due to the threat of infection will soon end, but we no longer plan to return “to normal”.

Physical Parallel Polis 3.0 as a fluid structure

In addition to the cloud community, our goal is to start building more fluid structures using shipping containers. In this way, we embody the properties of the cloud community and the dynamics of the virtual environment into the physical world.

Parallel Polis 3.0 in virtual reality. Author: Wosa

These have several major benefits:

Container-based Polis in virtual reality. Author: Wosa

You can find more information on using shipping containers to create temporary autonomous zones in the talk from Paralelná Polis.


Thank you for being with us and supporting Parallel Polis 2.0. We hope that the possibilities offered by the cloud community and the more fluid structure of the temporary autonomous zones fill you with the enthusiasm of new possibilities, just like it fills us. We hope you will continue to support us and take part in this new phase of Parallel Polis 3.0. We look forward to meeting you – whether in virtual space or in a physical Polis 3.0 environment.

If you know of a suitable land where it would be possible to start working with a few shipping containers in Bratislava, feel free to let us know.

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